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Monday, July 30, 2012


Dromomania is the uncontrollable impulse or desire to wander or travel. So I would be a dromomaniac! Fabulous!

Sign Language

One of the items on my "Bucket List" is to learn how to do British Sign Language. There are 6 months (Yikes! almost 5) left of 2012 and I would REALLY like to be able to have a basic conversation by the end of the year... We shall see.
Whilst researching on the internet, I came across some songs that were "sung" in sign! I just wanted to share this one as I found it (her) totally mesmerising. I would LOVE to be able to do this. (this is in ASL - not sure how different it is to BSL...)

What do you think? Like it?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Something my mum once told me...

"Tender-handed stroke a nettle, And it stings you, for your pains: Grasp it like a man of mettle, And it soft as silk remains."

Just thought I would share it :-)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Half way through the season...

I can't believe, as usual, that it is now July and I haven't put a single post on here since March!
To be fair, most of the time I have been pretty busy.
Since March 22 I have been working for Canvas Holidays as a campsite courier. The job started with 4 days training at the Berney Riviere. We were put in tents and could not have expected that the temperatures would plummet to 4- degrees C during the night. I had never been so cold in my life.
26th March saw us split into our Area groups and setting off into transit vans to distribute ourselves around France, Germany, and Italy. My group, Area 4 were destined for Steinach in Germany, the Loire Valley, The Dordogne, Burgundy and SW France to erect tents and deliver inventory to Mobile homes in time for the seasons' start. Without exception it was the hardest 2 months of my life and by the end of "montage", my body had pretty much packed up. My hands became a claw and each breath hurt as I'd pulled muscles in my left side, hip and lower back. It was agony and I would never do montage again. Having said that, I did enjoy driving a transit van around France and I did see some amazing places so I will never regret it.
Since May 12th I have been on my own, working as a solo courier on my site, Sequoia Parc, near Royan. Its been a journey of mixed emotions. It's not been the greatest adventure of my life. I haven't mastered the French language as I wanted to, I can't get out and explore much because I only have a bicycle now I am on site and not a great one at that. I live in a tent which I enjoy for the most part. There isn't much of a social life for me. The campsite bar is all families and the campsite staff are all under 25 so though I get on with everyone, the sort of conversation I enjoy is not to be found. Tuesday is my day off and I try and get on my bike and go and explore, even if its just a few miles. The scenery here is very uninspiring at first glance as it is so flat, but one out into the oyster beds and the country there are some really breathtaking scenes which I, as ever, have tried to capture in my photos which I will share with you now. I hope you enjoy them.

Taken in Blois, Loire Valley
Taken just outside Grolejac, Dordogne, to remind me where I went.

Sarlat, Dordogne

Sarlat, Dordogne

Sarlat, Dordogne

Sarlat, Dordogne

To remind me of what was going on at the time. Hollande won!

Sarlat, Dordogne
A Bar in Tours, Loire

Tours, Loire

Tours, Loire
My home for the summer

Oysters on a bike

Interesting weather vane

My favourite lunch

Marennes countryside

Hollyhocks everywhere

More Hollyhocks

...and more Hollyhocks

Local scene near Marennes

Hollyhocks near the oyster beds

Spectacular sunflower fields near Marennes

Sunflowers, Marennes

Sunflowers, Marennes

Sunflowers, Marennes

Corn field, Marennes

Poppies, Marennes

Poppies, Marennes

Poppies, Marennes

Wild flower I know not what it's called

Crane nesting in the pylons!
So that's the season so far!
Come back soon.