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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It began on a Tuesday:

Over my morning cup of tea, sat here at my desk in the apartment we have rented in Kota Kinabalu, I followed a link that a dear friend of mine had posted on Facebook, which sent me to his personal blog. I never knew he could write like that. So honest, descriptive and inspiring - to the point that I suddenly wanted a blog! I have had my own website for years (I should say "we" have had "our" own website for years - I am but half of a fabulous pair), which has been used to document our travels and dives. I had never really appreciated the "use" of a blog. So now I have one and now I have to see what will become of it. Time will tell and I hope when I read back through the archives in years to come, when I am rich and living in a Black & White house in Singapore (I can dream!) I will look back to this day as THE day of inspiration, though, those of you that know me well will know that I often have those days - its just that each time is gives me as good a feeling (of hope? of things to come?) as the first

To commemorate this Tuesday 31 March (which strangely, I believe is my fathers birthday, though where he is in the world, if in fact he is still in this world I have no idea), I have decided to look up some Tuesday facts

The word "Tuesday" derives fron the god Týr, identified with Mars, after whom Tuesday is named." He is the chap in the picture at the start of this post.

In the folk rhyme "Monday's Child", "Tuesday's child is full of grace". (I was born on a Wednesday).

The next Leap Year that starts on a Tuesday will be in 2036 (Will I still be here for that one

There is a childrens book called Tuesday, written by David Wiesner, and here is an excerpt:

"Slowly and quietly on this particular Tuesday, a few fat frogs begin hovering over a swamp, riding lily pads like magic carpets. Clearly satisfied and comfortable, the floating frogs are as serene as little green buddhas. Gradually, the flying fleet grows in momentum and number, sailing over the countryside and into an unsuspecting town. These frogs know how to have fun--startling the occasional bird, waving webbed feet at late-night snack-eaters, and even changing the channels on a sleeping granny's television. As day breaks, the frogs lose their lily pads, head back to the pond, and wait impatiently for their next scheduled departure

Sounds like a nice book

Right, thats enough for my first post. Hopefully, with some planning they will get a bit more interesting. You can live in hope